Coaching in London for health, wellness and thriving

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The apprenticeship


We all naturally seek growth and fulfilment of our potential, yet why do so few of us experience genuine and lasting change? As a physician, I saw that there was far more at work than the presenting signs and symptoms. As a scientist, I knew that there must be logical principles to discover. And as Buddhist meditator and seeker of Truth, I knew that the mind must play a key role. This led to a breakthrough discovery…


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 A New Methodology

of Change

From the most ancient of spiritual traditions to the breakthrough discoveries of quantum physics, the latest insights in neuroscience, and great innovations, the crucial component of transformation is always the same - real breakthrough and transformation only ever happens through insight - a lasting shift in consciousness. This requires special inner and outer conditions.

Sovereign Insight is an integrated methodology of transformation born out of this discovery, facilitating the Space, the State, and the Spark of real and lasting change.



It’s really hard to describe the magic that is Hung Tran. You just have to experience it. And once you do, there’s no going back (thank God!).
— Erin Richards, Actor

fee for

Thrive apprenticeship


This apprenticeship is for you if you are seeking support in making a breakthrough in a particular aspect of your life, relationship or career. This includes 18 sessions over 6 months. The fee is £5,400

reclaim sovereignty

Which aspect of your life is causing you psychological discomfort or heartache? Where do you feel most stuck? What is the most important thing?

The Daoists say that life provides nine major life lessons, called the Nine Palaces, which are:


Wealth (having enough – issues of scarcity or abundant resources)

Prosperity (reputation, honouring, how you are viewed)



Global/World issues (includes travel)

Career/Vocation (acquiring associated knowledge);



These lessons were already dormant in you at birth and your circumstances draw out a particular lesson. The circumstances that resonate most strongly indicate the lesson or ‘palace’ that is calling - even demanding - your attention.

When you are struggling over a particular palace, it is called ‘heart pain’. When this remains unresolved it can create stress and symptoms of ill health physically and emotionally in the long term.

However, there is a helpful way you can view heart pain that makes it possible to transcend and restore balance and a healthy flow of Qi to those aspects of your life:

What if the ‘heart pain’ is an invitation to transcend your limitations and allow your Shen (spirit) to shine?

According to Daoist medicine, pain indicates the lack of connection and flow in an aspect of your life. It presents a disconnection from wholeness and balance and harmony. This pain can be at the physical, mental, emotional, or ‘spiritual’ levels.

Due to the intelligence and kindness of the design, pain draws your awareness to the issue so that you can overcome internal limitations, free yourself from anything and anyone that no longer sparks your life, reconnect to the cycles of change and experience the rapture of being alive.

Which area or issue in your life creates the most tension in your body? Do you feel contracted and shut down when you think about it? Do you try to avoid it, want it to be different or to protect yourself from it? Are you filled with regret whenever you think about it? Does it persist? Does it make your heart ache? 

These areas are not problems but invitations to expand beyond your limitations - to become sovereign and shine!

The THRIVE program is specifically designed to support you in this endeavour.


Overcome limitations through breakthrough insights

Partnering with you to disrupt patterns of limitation and procure your innate thriving by facilitating micro-mental shifts in consciousness. You will experience greater clarity and see a way through any problem. This results in improved performance, greater ease and a deeper sense of fulfilment.


Sovereign Insight Approach:

01 The Space

Experience a powerful arrival in the present moment where you can gain clarity and certainty.

02 The State

Discover the ‘3 P’s of Peace, Presence and Possibility which will result in greater flow in all areas of life.

03 The Spark

Disrupt self-imposed limitations and fears and instead pro/cure health, wellness and abundance.


Sovereign Insight

Work with Me

Delivered in-person in London, England, or offered remotely across the globe, Hung Tran's high impact insight-led coaching sessions are tailored to your individual needs and wishes.

Begin with a clarity call to explore the nature and scope of your goals, and to learn how the Sovereign Insight approach impact your life and help you actualise your abundant capacity to heal and thrive.


Dr Hung Tran
