Becoming A Sovereign Practitioner


Sometimes the questions that are useful are the dangerous ones—the ones that feel like they threaten your consensus reality. ~ Adyashanti

If you are genuinely interested in achieving a breakthrough in your health, life and work, you need to ask profound and challenging questions - questions that have the power to blast through your conditioned, habituated thinking. 

I’ve found time and again that it is the process of answering such questions that enables you to develop insights that can transform your life beyond all recognition. 

And over the last eighteen months I've been posing one particular question to myself repeatedly: “What if everything I know about acupuncture, health and healing is wrong?”

I first started thinking about this in 2013, after reading a fascinating interview with Daoist priest and teacher of Classical Chinese medicine, Jeffrey Yuen.

In it, Jeffrey observed how practitioners are always under enormous pressure. Pressure to figure out what is the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ treatment. Pressure to find new options for patients. Pressure to be the saviour and the authority with all the correct answers and solutions.

The alternative suggestion was this - instead of asking what is the ‘right’ treatment, we ask which treatment would give us a better sense of peace instead. 

That made a big impression on me, and I embarked on an exploration of what that would mean experientially.

In his subsequent teachings, Jeffrey emphasised focusing on wellness rather than pathology as a new framework. This requires us to develop the skills of stopping, listening, and reflecting - which essentially equates to becoming fully aware of the present moment of our life.

To be fully present requires a paradigm shift - out of a scarcity mindset and a scattered focus, and into an expansive experience of peace, presence and possibility. 

That state radically re-contextualizes how we relate to health - and in such a way that could completely transform the clinical encounter. 

What I've realised is that we can contextualise our patient’s experience of sickness within the framework of their wellness. 

In other words, we can seek out what’s right with our patients, not what’s wrong with them. And point them towards that transformative attunement.

Knowing and embodying this takes a great deal of self-imposed pressure off the practitioners’ mind -  allowing them to practice with greater ease and efficacy regardless of their modality.

In our development as healers, we begin as technicians who rely on tools and techniques. Later we become teachers who explain methods for self healing in others. Eventually - as integrated healers - our presence itself has a transformative effect, and we do not have to rely solely upon tools or techniques to effect deep levels of healing. 

This process of development is strongly resonant for me. And I am called to explore this other level of healing and share it with my colleagues in the medical and healing profession. 

For myself, it is a journey into the deeper essence of Classical Daoist medicine - breaking down the process into fundamental principles that are universally applicable to all modalities and at all times. 

In the past eighteen months, as a result of coming from a place of stillness and insight, I've observed exponential healing events in many of my patients, and  I’ve experienced more ease within myself, my life and my work. 

And it has become clearer and clearer to me over this time that any method or modality will work more effectively when we as practitioners are attuned to the energy of health and healing - rather than sickness and ‘fixing’. 

I’ve spent the past year mapping this process out phenomenologically and testing it in the field, so that it can be taught to, and reproduced, by anyone.

Sovereign Practitioner Mastermind is the latest result of this inquiry. 

I invite you to join me on this journey into the realm of health and healing. Let’s, together, create a new narrative that disrupts the framework of sickness and instead one that seeks to pro/cure health. Learn more below:


Pro/curing the Health & Wellness Mindset

The mastermind is an opportunity to focus on key aspects of the healing process, share ways of building a thriving business, and to learn to enjoy a life of greater ease and well-being. As a result your skills and confidence will increase exponentially, your practice will flourish, and your life will become more grounded, positive and centred through the support of an empowering group.