Healing through resonance, a new possibility

“I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.” ~ The Hippocratic oath

To me, the essence of prevention is actualising healing.

The terms, healing, alchemy, transformation, and actualising greatness are very potent for me. They point to a very clear and well documented process of becoming well and whole. I use them interchangeably in my work, teachings and writings.

In a previous article, I wrote about the key differences between healing and curing, here. In this article I unpack an insight from classical acupuncture with deep implications and a new paradigm for curing and healing from sickness.

The correlation between science and spirituality

In 1944 Max Planck, a highly regarded physicist, most famous for his role as the originator of quantum theory which revolutionised human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes, said:

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such…

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.

We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

What this means to me is that we and everything else, although appearing like solid and distinct matter, are in reality made from formless energy; from an omnipotent and ever present matrix of light. Scientists like Planck intuited what had been long known by ancient spiritual traditions - that everything comes from a source, a force, of  energy that connects all things. It goes by many names, but is a non thing and yet it is the source of all things.

We are not small and limited, we just believe we are. What would our life be like if we lived in alignment with this insight? How would we feel? What would be the implications to our health, relationships, our society and the way we serve in this world?

The quintessential medicine

Over 2,500 years ago, during the Han dynasty of ancient China, acupuncture had reached its fruition as a complete medicine. It is the form of medicine that I have the greatest affinity with. What does acupuncture essentially do?

Acupuncture is a tool for raising the energetic vibration of the whole person.

Acupuncture is the quintessential energy medicine. As a complete system of medicine its approach is to bring about healing at all levels of the human being through energy, not pharmacy.

When patients come in for an acupuncture treatment, their symptoms are seen as an imbalance in the energy flowing through their body-mind. That is their overall energy state is usually at a lower frequency or vibration.

Following a session they would feel better since their energy had been nudged back into a higher vibration. The patients would go back out into their world at a higher frequency than the one that they came in with. So acupuncture brings us into resonance with a higher vibration, back into alignment with source energy intelligence, our unique and authentic expression of Dao.

In some instances symptoms would be miraculously cured. However for most patients, their symptoms would return or simply not budge. Why? Because they don’t usually stay in that high vibration state for long. Unknowingly, they would squander the benefits of the treatment soon after a treatment; their energy would once again fall back into a lower level. So they needed to come back for another session of acupuncture. This could go on for many months or years. Why can’t the patient stay in a higher vibration long enough to fully heal?

This question was particularly pertinent not only for my patients, but also for myself. I had suffered recurrent bouts of excruciating arthritis for over 10 years which I couldn’t fully get shot of. I refused to pass it off as ‘incurable’ as was the prevailing view. It was either find a way through or tender my resignation as a physician and do something else.

Since the medicine has been around far longer than I had, it followed that I hadn’t yet seen what’s truly possible - not by a long shot. My sickness turned out to be an intense and uncompromising teacher.

A map for actualising greatness

Many years ago, during a workshop with my esteemed teacher and dear friend and colleague, Ann Cecil-Sterman, I saw that the acupuncture channels were an energetic map for not only procuring wellness but a complete pathway for awakening wholeness and actualising greatness.

The acupuncture channel system is an ancient blueprint for raising the energetic vibration of both practitioner and their patient. We are simultaneously aligning our own and the patient’s subtle energy body to the universal life force - resonating with innate health. And when we inhabit this higher state of vibration, we feel whole, well and complete.

That was it!

For a while, in resonance with that higher vibration, we become untethered from the gravity of physical existence; we come into contact with a dimension of being which is transcendent of time and space. We feel lighter, problems disappear, clarity ensues, there’s a sense of connection with all things, where we can access our innate wisdom. In that moment we are touched by grace.

But here’s the thing, for lasting and tangible change to happen, we were meant to internalise the lessons encoded in the acupuncture channels. It is the invitation to become well and whole and allow our unique gifts to unfold. We can let go of old hurts. We can answer the call to greatness. We can allow that divine brilliance to shine into the world and awaken healing and greatness in others. The implications of that one insight would simmer and occupy me for many more years.

The search was on to distill the essence of this medicine, making it accessible for everyone. For some time, I had intuited that we as practitioners and our clients were supposed to graduate from, not continue to rely on acupuncture or any other system of medicine/therapy. We were all meant to step into our own mastery and reclaim our sovereignty. How?

How can we do this without being steeped in the study of the Classics or any belief system? What is encoded by the Classics for the benefit of humanity? What is the simplest, most complete rendering of the universal principles behind human health and transcendence?

The intense analytical gaze of my sharp and brilliant intellect needed to soften; my incessantly unsettled mind needed to be quelled, and my attention turned inwards to the immense wealth that direct experience held. The answer was beyond the capacity of my intellect to grasp and yet it is the most intimate Knowing that lay within my experience.

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Dr Hung Tran