The first meeting of the Practitioner Mastermind


Peace in the heart of the city

The inaugural Sovereign Practitioner Mastermind commenced earlier this month with a truly magical and engaging session.

From many different parts of the world, twelve of us gathered online to begin a six month transformational journey of health, healing and happiness.

The goal of the Sovereign Practitioner Mastermind is simple and twofold: to intentionally disrupt the conceptual framework that keeps us stuck within a cycle of scarcity and sickness, and to pro/cure a natural state of abundance and wellness instead.

And it rests upon a profound (re)discovery of our Sovereign nature -  the fact that within each of us there lies the untapped and innate capacity to thrive.

Disrupting the ‘You are broken’ paradigm

I began by asking the group - which consists of non-practitioners as well as those of allopathic, acupuncture, and Chinese medicine -  the following questions:

What if we took as a starting point the notion that you yourself, as well as everyone and everything else, is a miracle? 

What would happen if you allowed the truth of that to impress itself upon you? How would you feel? What would you see? What would you hear?

These questions are important because they reveal how, at the heart of our modern notion of sickness, there lies an unquestioned assumption - one that relates to illness as being broken and in need of fixing. 

But the unintended consequence of this assumption is that it tends to exacerbate the problem -  because that which is fundamentally broken cannot help or heal itself.

The result is that this approach alone cannot produce its desired outcome. So that despite a huge amount of mental and physical output in the name of getting ourselves and the population well, there remains a significant disconnect in terms of real outcomes.

I call this disconnect between output and outcome the Circadian Paradox, and whilst there are many possible reasons for its existence, what if the main underlying cause was that outdated and unhelpful ‘you are broken’ paradigm?

What I’d like to suggest is that that pervasive paradigm is in reality just a concept or mental projection. It was useful for some time and still holds for certain instances. But it has become so embedded into our culture and way of thinking that the ‘you are broken’ has been mistaken for a fact or pre-existing truth of life. 

The good news for all of us is that it is not. 

Feeling is believing

Early on in the session we established where transformation and impact authentically come from - not in the words that I used to explain the ideas but in the experience of the individuals themselves. Real change comes from insights and realisation. 

To make it relevant to those attending, I asked what they hoped to achieve by going on this journey. And whilst each one had a unique and personal reason for being there, the notion that we’re all interconnected was a common theme. 

The overarching aim of the programme is not to download vast amounts of knowledge and data but to (re)discover and integrate profound aspects of the human experience. In fact, you might say the programme is entirely experiential. 

As we develop, the group will become a community of individuals all heading in the same direction. We will be sharing our insights and perspectives, to support and facilitate each other’s transformation.

So what’s the premise (and promise) for the program?

Simply this :

Within you is a space where you are already safe, well and complete. 

It is an experience of pure consciousness - beyond the ideas, projections and distortions of personal thinking. 

When you abide in that space, its abundant positivity heals both body and mind. 

When you live from that place, its abundant creativity maximises performance and flow.

When you connect from that place, its abundant love and compassion facilitates new levels of harmony and intimacy. 

And when you explore this space you will draw closer and closer to the ‘divine’ ~ the ineffable and numinous experience beyond your ordinary daily concerns. 

Every problem we experience is the result of losing our way, becoming entangled in our personal thinking. 

The solution to each of those problems is to find our way home, back to the place of peace, presence and possibility. 


The Practitioner Mastermind is a calm and nurturing space where you can deepen the healing presence and connection you wish to have in your work with clients. Click on the link to learn more about this inspiring and experiential group program: