The Missing Peace In Medicine, Health & Healing


‘What’s wrong with me?’

It’s a question any doctor is asked countless times a day. And on a deeper level, it's one we often pose quietly to ourselves as well.

Why am I stuck? Why can’t I change? Why can’t I move on? Why can’t I be happy?

We all know these feelings well and we’ve tried hard to solve or move beyond them. But nothing seems to shift. But what if the real issue is how the problem itself is stated? What if there’s a relationship between the statements we make and the mental and physical states we inhabit?

What if we could set aside the whole notion of what’s wrong with you? 

I’m Hung Tran, and I’m here to tell you what’s RIGHT with you instead. 

You see, for most of my life I felt my sovereignty depended exclusively on outer situations. I felt that the possibility of personal agency over my health and happiness had been taken away by adverse circumstances: contracting polio at 6 months old, having a depressed, violent and abusive father, existing on the edge of poverty, being a refugee, an immigrant, being racially discriminated against, bullied, having excruciating and debilitating bouts of arthritis. 

During my early teens, I found some ways to reclaim a greater sense of strength through a combination of outer achievement and inner exploration.

I excelled at school and qualified as a doctor from the prestigious St Mary's Hospital, Imperial college, London. I became a master practitioner and teacher of a Daoist system of medicine, and studied meditation & scholarship in Buddhism - engaging in several month long retreats. 

But despite all this knowledge and accomplishment there was still something missing. Although my life had changed for the better in so many ways, that sense of ‘fully landing’ in abundant health and well-being remained elusive. 

And at the back of my mind was a nagging suspicion as well - a fear that if I didn’t keep up all these practices, rituals and therapies, I’d run the risk of losing all of those gains in a moment.

Eventually a fundamental discrepancy became apparent in my life - that all that mental & physical output in the direction of health and reducing sickness did not produce a corresponding outcome. It became exhausting and unsustainable - with little real outcomes. 

In my work with countless patients I discovered that this fundamental disconnect was pervasive - impacting every new person I spoke to. So what was really going on here? And what was the missing piece of the puzzle? 

Reflecting back to my experiences during long meditation retreats, I remember a glimpse I’d had of something special - an inner alternative with profound transformative potential. What hadn’t occurred to me at the time, was that that experience of inner peace might be the crucial missing component in medicine, health and healing. 

Back then, the magnitude of that simple truth was way beyond my capacity to grasp. But by allowing myself to surrender to and be awed by that experience of peace more and more, its radical implications gradually came into view. 

What I finally discovered is this: abiding in the three P’s of Peace, Presence and Possibility, the question of ‘what is wrong with me?’ ceases to exist. 

The 3P’s are a fully immersive real-time experience of abundance itself. They disrupt and dissolve the very notion of being broken, and in its place ‘pro/cure’ an innate capacity for health, happiness and prosperity.

The 3P’s thus reveal precisely what is ‘right’ and best about us, and that experience is easily accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This was my starting point - my framework - and realising that truth changed everything.

That’s the message I’m here to share with you - the transformative insight that you are not broken, that you do not need fixing, and that YOU are the  sovereignty you seek! 

So consider this: what if we take as the starting point, the fact that you’re a miracle and so is everyone, and everything else? 

What would happen if you allowed the truth of that to impress itself upon you? How would you feel? What would you see? What would you hear?

You see, believing you’re a miracle will change you, but truly knowing that fact will transform your life beyond all recognition.

What if we all saw that? 

So now, let’s have a conversation about what’s RIGHT about you…


Sovereign Mastermind

Join a dedicated community platform in which to share insights and discussion with peers. The Practitioner Mastermind will be a calm and nurturing space where you can deepen the healing presence and connection you wish to have in your work with clients.

Each month the group will meet for a 3.5 hour session and as a result your skills and confidence will increase exponentially, your practice will flourish, and your life will become more grounded, positive and centred through the support of an empowering group.